While at the Table Mountain Star Party I purchased a Deep Sky Imager (DSI) Pro from Sean's Astronomy shop. The goal was to use the DSI Pro as a guider for a Digital SLR (Hutech modified Canon 20d). After some initial teething problems the DSI performed its role beautifully. The DSI's imagining is a bit noisy, but even with a 5 second exposure it can image faint stars (9th magnitude?). BTW, don't use an USB 1.1 connection -- it won't work!
Attached to a Borg 60mm guidescope on my Stellarvue SV4 (4" apo refractor) and Losmandy GM8 mount it has enabled 6 minute guided exposures! Definitely a great way to get astrophotos on a budget. Check out the main EarthSkyStars web site for astrophotos done with this setup.
I haven't tried imaging with the DSI Pro yet, but I doubt it'll compete well with my SBIG or my Canon 20d DSLR.